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About PJL Fitness Page Origins PJL Fitness was initially created by Peter Linnehan as an individual project to help him track his progress at the gym. Like most people, Peter had trouble remembering exactly what he had done and when – especially after a long hiatus from the gym. Peter noticed that...
The Add Interval Form Page An interval is a special type of workout component specific to the ‘interval’ workout structure. An interval can be made up of zero or more movements. This page describes the properties, features, and behaviors associated with the ‘Add Interval Form’. Shared Add Interval Form Properties Interval...
Add Movement Form Page The movement is the fundamental building block of any workout. All workouts must have at least one movement, and movements are the single shared property across all workout structures. This page describes the properties, features, and behaviors associated with the Add Movement Form. Properties <img src="images/pjl-fitness-add-movement-form.png" alt="Image of...
The Add Workout Form Page Adding a workout is the most fundamental task associated with a fitness journal. At PJL, we are constantly trying to make adding a new workout as effortless as possible. We do this primarily by designing the ‘Add Workout Form’ to be easy to use and edit. This page describes the...
PJL Fitness Release Notes Page Beta Release The current version of the PJL Fitness Journal is a beta release. This means that the application is stable, but will have issues that need to be resolved. Resolution of such issues could include the permanent loss of user data. PJL will make every attempt to retain...
Creating an Account Page PJL Fitness is currently in a closed-beta and new users will require a valid beta-key to register. This is temporary.
PJL Fitness Dashboard Page Overview PJL Fitness Dashboard Overview Video PJL Fitness Dashboard Demo and Walkthrough Every PJL Fitness user has access to a fitness dashboard that automatically compiles metrics when workouts and movements are added to your fitness journal. As part of the beta-release, PJL has created visualizations...
PJL Fitness Frequently Asked Questions Page Overview Under Construction. To reach out with specific questions, you can get in touch using the ‘Request an Account’/’Feedback’ button in the bottom-right of the PJL Fitness application.
Header Controls Page Form Header Controls Certain forms come with a set of header controls that modify the form. Copy: This button will make an exact copy of the form and add the copy below....
PJL Fitness Page Introduction PJL Fitness is an online fitness journal built from the ground up to specifically address the shortcomings of other fitness applications on the market. The hope of PJL Fitness is that it gives those who are dissatisfied with their health, and have a vision of a healthier...
New User Tutorials Page This section is intended to help new or prospective users get an idea of how PJL Fitness can be utilized to help track their individual fitness.
PJL Fitness Snapshots Page Overview PJL Fitness Snapshots Demo and Walkthrough
Special Form Inputs Page The Time Input Time is both one of the most common properties associated with a workout, interval, and movement, as well as one of the most variable. At PJL we wanted to give users the flexibility to add different time values...
Workout Description Page Workout Description The ‘Workout Description’ is your workout written out in words and how a workout is represented throughout the application. This page describes the different parts of the workout description. Workout Description Components Workout Name This is the...
Workout How-To Videos Page Add a Workout Standard Adding Workout Without Movements Copy and Pasting an External Workout into Your Journal Strength 5x 5 Bench Press Back Squat with Variable Reps per Set Conditioning 1 Mile Run...
Workout Structures Page The ‘Standard Workout’ Workout Structure Definition A ‘standard’ workout is the simplest possible workout structure because a standard workout only consists of a single movement or movements. There is no time limit, number of rounds, or interval. Properties Movements:...