
PJL Fitness was initially created by Peter Linnehan as an individual project to help him track his progress at the gym. Like most people, Peter had trouble remembering exactly what he had done and when – especially after a long hiatus from the gym.

Peter noticed that not being able to recall his previous workouts was both unmotivating and discouraging because he was often questioning his progress, which added to the ever-present urge not to go to the gym. The less he went to the gym however, the more unhealthy he felt, and thus began the vicious cycle.

To reverse the cycle, Peter tried to track his fitness with both free and paid online fitness tracking apps, as well as old fashioned pen and paper. He found these options lacking, however. Some were not particularly easy to use, and the ones that were easy to use, were often limited by what types of workouts they could track. Overall, he found himself spending a lot of time trying to get existing apps to work the way he wanted, which made the process more of a hindrance than a help.

Convinced he could do better, Peter began working on an app that would work for him. This app would do 3 big things:

  1. Easily handle the types of workouts and movements he did.
  2. Provide a simple, functioning, and searchable layout for tracking and reviewing workouts.
  3. Give him an added sense of accomplishment when he saved the workout.

After building the application and using it for a few months, Peter was gratified to see the application was in fact effective at both getting more out of each workout and providing extra motivation to workout. He felt so good that he decided to ‘‘productionize’’ the application to make it available for others to use and potentially benefit from.

PJL Fitness is the result of that work. And PJL Software is proud to open up the application for a closed-beta to see if the application can help others as well!

Beta Release

The current version of PJL Fitness is a beta release. This means that the application is stable, but will have issues that need to be resolved. Resolution of such issues could include the permanent loss of user data. PJL will make every attempt to retain user data, but will prioritize fixing critical issues (e.g. security related) over the retention of user data. The site can also go down at any time, for any reason, indefinitely – by either accident or design. PJL Software reserves the right to permanently remove the website at any time, but we will do our best to notify users beforehand.

Parent Company

PJL Software is a software company dedicated to building products that will improve people’s lives. PJL believes that a little bit of quality software can be leveraged to make a significant impact on the world. Our products start simple, aiming to make small but tangible improvements in a given domain. From there, PJL utilizes direct customer feedback to make continuous incremental improvements that make customers better off today than they were yesterday.

PJL Software is a PJL Industries company.

Tags: pjl-fitness